Comparison is what determines the plumb line by which we live. It is what we use to measure if we are straight and upright.
But who are we comparing ourselves to?
When we compare ourselves to others, we may think "Well at least I am not doing what she's doing." or "At least I'm doing what he is not doing"
In doing this, we use another created being as the reference of how we live, in relationship to God and others. The danger in this is astronomical.
We are all capable of error. Life experiences, and environmental circumstances in our family of origin, can create faulty character traits that cause us to live less than upright.
In our humanity; this makes all of us, an unreliable and inconsistent plumb line for anyone.
A plumb line is a weight that is suspended from a string that is used as a vertical reference to determine if what has been built is straight or upright. The plumb line uses the law of gravity to determine its accuracy and therefore does not change, even if the person using it does.
Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.
Proverbs 30:5
The word of God is the only perfectly accurate plumb line, and should therefore serve as our only place of comparison. When we align ourselves next to the plumb line of the scripture, it prevents us from thinking that we are better than our neighbor. It highlights opportunities for maturity, that comparison to our peers never will.
The Word of God keeps us humble and consistent.
When applied to our life, the Bible empowers us to operate consistently, regardless of our circumstances. It tutors us in the importance of living life according to faith and not our feelings.
The whole Bible was given to us by inspiration from God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives; it straightens us out and helps us do what is right. It is God’s way of making us well prepared at every point, fully equipped to do good to everyone.
2 Timothy 3:16-17
The scriptures work as a spiritual chiropractor, aligning us in ways that comparison to others will never achieve.
As children of God we are created in His image. Let us be forever be mindful to use His word to align our lives, in word and in action; so that the image we present to the world is accurate.
This is crucial, because when we stand before Him, there is only one image He wants to see....Himself.
Preach!!!! Man that was so good! Droppin truth bombs up in here!