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The Original Document

Writer's picture: Arlesia FortsonArlesia Fortson

One of the first skills we learn in preschool is cut and paste. This skill is highlighted early in our education because, the use of scissors help to strengthen our hands to prepare for writing. We mature and grow and soon begin to write. Before long, our writing transitions to typing. At this point, our cut and paste skills move from pen and paper to the keyboard. While typing, we become familiar with cutting from the original document (control X ) and pasting into a new document (control V).


Learning of God's character and love for us is, in most cases, very different from anything we've experienced in life.

We learn of His unconditional love, His lovingkindness, His mercy, and His grace.

It seems impossible to believe.

In an effort to make it make sense, we employ one of the first skills we learned, cut and paste.

We cut the face of the person that represented love to us, and paste it on the character of God.

If the experience was not pleasant, trusting God seems difficult at best:

This is how _______ treated me and they said they " loved" me, so this is what God means when He says He loves me.

If_________ was never dependable, God won't be either.

If______ abandoned me, God just might do the same.

This mindset can happen when we misplace the original.


When someone becomes a Christian, he becomes a brand new person inside. He is not the same anymore. A new life has begun!

2 Corinthians 5:17 (TLB)


Entering into a relationship with Christ changes everything!

As the scripture tells us, we are brand new in Christ.

We are not the same.

This also means that our mindset changes.

In Christ, we reference the character of God, and paste that truth into our present and future experiences:

"God loves me with an unfailing love. As a result I am able to love others regardless of how they treat me."

"God is always dependable. He will provide the resources and relationships to meet my needs in this season."

"God will never leave me nor forsake me. Should others decide to leave my life, God will comfort and strengthen me."


When we enter into relationship with Christ, He becomes our standard, not our past experiences.

We cut the standard for all life experiences from His character, and paste it into every situation.

This aligns our perspective with heaven, protects our hearts, and prevents us from carrying unnecessary weight.

Let us always keep God as the reference point, the standard, the original.

Let us be careful to never misplace the original.

God is the original document.


For Reflection

  1. Are there areas of my life that I have compared God's character to past relationship experiences?

  2. Are there opportunities to align my perspective of life and experience with heaven?


2 Corinthians 5:17


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