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Plan B

Writer's picture: Arlesia FortsonArlesia Fortson


Plan B : a strategy or plan to be implemented if the original one proves to be unsuccessful.


We've all had one, a plan B. A self made insurance policy to protect ourselves in case something happens to plan A. Generally speaking, it is wise to have a plan.

We should plan to:

  • have insurance coverage in life and in death.

  • save for emergencies, just in case the air conditioner and the car schedule simultaneous appointments with a repair person.

  • have our umbrella on our person and not in the car, when rain is in the forecast.

  • fill up the gas tank when the light first comes on, not after the 25 mile commute to work.

  • have an extra change of clothes for the extra change of clothes, with all children four and under.

Some planning is absolutely necessary.

However, when it comes to the matters of the heart, plan B can be detrimental.

As our hearts are concerned, we can develop a plan B after we have experienced failure on some level with the original plan. A failed relationship, the loss of a loved one, a loss of employment, a failed dream, the list goes on and on. 

In an effort to prevent ourselves from having those experiences again, we develop plan B. Unfortunately, it can sometimes cause us to turn 180 degrees away from our destiny.

" I barely survived that, so I will not do that again."

" I won't love again."

 "I won't dream again."

" I'd rather not do it, than suffer the pain of failing again"

When we fail, we tend to choose plan B because it seems to be the safe plan, but it's not. As it pertains to our relationship with God, we are to choose faith, not safe.

God is trustworthy. When we trust Him with our life, we don't need a plan B. He takes good care of His children. Even in failure, we will know success, because He has our best interest at heart. According to Romans 8:28, all things will work together for our good. Take a deep breath and rest in that. Say out loud "I don't have to be responsible for my destiny." Don't misunderstand, we have a very active part in our destiny. However, we are the builder not the architect. Trust His plan because he sees the big picture.


For I know the plans that I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans for well-being, and not for calamity, in order to give you a future and a hope.

Jeremiah 29:11


For Reflection

  1. Do I have a plan B for my destiny in an attempt to protect myself from pain and/or failure?

  2. Do I believe God to be trustworthy?

  3. Do I believe God has my best interest at heart?

  4. Am I willing to trust God with the "big picture" of my life?


Jeremiah 29:11


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