It's a new day! You wake up, ready to pick up today's to do list and be productive. The list is massive, but there is a plan. Almost, down to the minute, a blueprint is in place to get it done. Ready...set...go! Operation "Crush The To Do List" is underway. In the car. First errand done! Second stop done! Next item is scratched of the do list. Then it happens. The gas light comes on....Sigh.
"I'm on a roll now, I have stuff to do in a certain amount of time, and driving out of the way to the gas station is inconvenient at best."
"Do I use the little gas I have to get to the gas station now?, or make two more stops and then go to the gas station? I have enough, right?"
Come unto me all who labor and who are heavy laden and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28
Have you ever been tired and heavy? A fatigue that you can hardly describe to someone else, because not only is your body tired; your heart is heavy, and your mind is weighted...with several things....all things...everything. Your strength reserve.. almost empty.
With life's responsibilities staring us in the face, we feel that with the ounce of strength left, we have to keep......going.
That is until ,exhaustion shows up, mentally and physically.
The scripture offers and invitation to those that are tired and weighted. The promise is, if we go to Jesus, we get rest.
to cease from movement or
labor (physical and mental);
in order to recover and collect strength, and be refreshed.
When we are tired and heavy, we have to make the decision to stop and get to Jesus.
Instead of going more places and doing more things....
Let us go to Jesus, and just be...
Be still
Be quiet
Be strengthened
Be refreshed
After all, he created us as human beings.
God created all of us to do something.
However, in order to complete our assignment and fulfill our purpose, we have to get the rest and refreshment we need.
Making the decision to do one more thing, or make one more stop, after the gas light comes on; could be expensive. It could cause damage to key parts of the vehicle. Furthermore, the time spent towing a vehicle with no gas, will be longer, than the inconvenient detour to the gas station to begin with.
I know..
There are a lot of things to do.
It's also true, that there will always be things that need to be done.
Most importantly, not stopping to finding rest in Jesus, is costly to our destiny. It creates delay, and causes us to be ineffective in our efforts to be productive.
Life is real, responsibilities are real, trials are real, and exhaustion is real. However, so is our destiny and purpose. We are all created to meet a specific need in the Earth. Let's not be found to be, unavailable and ineffective in doing so, because we failed to go to Jesus for the necessary rest and refreshment.
Our purpose remains, even when our strength is limited. Therefore, when we find ourselves tired and weary, let us use the strength we have left, to get to Jesus. He is waiting, arms wide open, to strengthen and refresh us; so we can effectively move forward in the things we have been purposed us to do.
Perfect timing!! Thank you!