Becoming a Christian is not asking God to align Himself with our life and plans.
It is surrendering our life and plans to Him.
We align ourselves to His purpose, the purpose of heaven.
Our purpose in life becomes to make Him known, to show forth His glory to the world.
Glory: great honor, praise, value, wonder, and splendor.
A weighty manifestation of God's greatness and presence, that is awesome to behold.
We cannot add glory to God, but we display the glory that He is, with our lifestyle.
We show the world how wonderful He is with our everyday actions.
We glorify Him with our life.
Well, whatever you do, whether it’s eating or drinking or anything else, do it all so as to bring glory to God.
1 Corinthians 10:31
We display His glory in how we treat people.
We display His glory by how we work on our jobs.
We display His glory with how we interact with our family.
We display His glory by how we respond to difficult situations.
Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good deeds and moral excellence, and [recognize and honor and] glorify your Father who is in heaven.
Matthew 5:16
When the world looks upon us living life as Christians, the observation should be :
"There is something so beautiful about your life, no matter what is happening. What is that?"
Then our response will be " It's the beauty of God, it's His glory"
Living for God, has nothing to do with us. It's all about Him.
We have the privilege of displaying the splendor, majesty, and beauty of the Most High God, through lifestyle evangelism.
Our lives should be lived in such a way, that it makes the status of heaven public, so that the world can see God and share Him.
For Reflection
How can I make God known with my life?
Does my lifestyle glorify God?
1 Corinthians 10:11
Matthew 5:16