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Writer's picture: Arlesia FortsonArlesia Fortson

Here we are, November 1st.

In reflection, we may remember a combination of experiences this year. There may have been times of great joy, deep sadness, unexplainable laughter, and everything in between.

Some of us may reflect over the year and find great accomplishment; where others of us have yet to accomplish what was planned in January.

In honesty, our reasons for lack of accomplishment vary. For one of us, it may be a life changing event or circumstance, that changed the trajectory of the year. For others of us, it may be a lack of motivation. What ever the reason, the reality is that we are now at a point of decision.

305 days have passed, yet 60 days remain. There are questions that must be answered.

What were God's instructions for me this year?

Did I follow those instructions?

If the answer is yes to the second question, I am so excited for you and celebrate your progress and accomplishments.

If the answer is no to the second question, there are more questions.

Have God's instructions for me this year expired?

Does the presence of challenge or the absence of motivation cancel those instructions?

If the answer to both questions was no, the encouragement is to finish strong.


We could have lengthy discussion surrounding the reasons that God's instructions were not followed. Instead, let's get up, remember the instructions, and finish strong.


This life will provide several reasons for us not to do what we've been instructed to do. Instead of focusing on those reasons, let's focus on the one reason we should; we were born for this. Literally.

We were fashioned by God with a treasure locked inside of us.

The treasure will only be unlocked by following instructions. One act of obedience at a time, leading us right into our destiny.

With 60 days left this year, there is still time to finish and complete the instructions that were given at the beginning of the year.

Let us not be distracted by what hasn't happened. Instead, let's focus on what can happen.

Let us remember the instruction, refocus our obedience, and run to toward the finish line.

Finish. Strong.

I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.

2 Timothy 4:7


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