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Writer's picture: Arlesia FortsonArlesia Fortson

What if?

What if you were in a 15 minute long conversation with someone about a book? A book that is described as amazing, life giving, and life changing. There were 176 descriptions of how awesome this book is by the end of the conversation.


Wow, by description alone, this book has made the cut for your reading list.

Then the question is asked, "What is the name of this book?"

The answer, " The best selling book of all time, The Holy Bible"


The 119th division of Psalms is the longest chapter in the Bible.

For 176 verses, it exclaims the weightiness, benefit, and wealth of information and provision, the Bible provides.

To hear them read aloud, is believed to take approximately 15 minutes.


Let's take look at the value and having a relationship with both God and His Word.

Life of integrity:

How blessed and favored by God are those whose way is blameless [those with personal integrity, the upright, the guileless], Who walk in the law [and who are guided by the precepts and revealed will] of the Lord.

Psalms 119:1

Blessings and favor:

Blessed and favored by God are those who keep His testimonies, And who [consistently] seek Him and long for Him with all their hearts.

Psalms 119:2

Ability to live a pure life:

How can a young man keep his way pure? By keeping watch [on himself] according to Your word [conforming his life to Your precepts] Psalms 119:9

Answer on how to avoid sin:

Your word I have treasured and stored in my heart, That I may not sin against You.

Psalms 119:11

Strength in grief:

My soul dissolves because of grief; Renew and strengthen me according to [the promises of] Your word.

Psalms 119:28


And I will walk at liberty, For I seek and deeply long for Your precepts.

Psalms 119:45


This is my comfort in my affliction, That Your word has revived me and given me life.

Psalms 119: 50


I considered my ways And turned my feet to [follow and obey] Your testimonies.

Psalms 119:59

Good Judgment:

Teach me good judgment (discernment) and knowledge, For I have believed and trusted and relied on Your commandments.

Psalms 119:66


I will never forget Your precepts, For by them You have revived me and given me life.

Psalms 119:93


Your commandments make me wiser than my enemies, For Your words are always with me.

Psalms 119:98

Peace and stability:

Those who love Your law have great peace; Nothing makes them stumble.

Psalms 119: 165

The 119th division of Psalms focuses solely on the Word of God. All 176 verses, speak of the invaluable riches found in scripture. God has given us all we need to live upright and victorious, in His Word. He has made the provision for success; we are now responsible to consume it and apply it to our lives. The Bible is timeless, living, and active. It will always be here to guide us, regardless of the situation or circumstance.

Your word is a lamp to guide me and a light for my path.

Psalms 119:105


For Reflection

  1. Am I aware of the value of having a relationship with God and His word?

  2. What are three scriptures that I can apply to the area of my life that I need the most direction for?


Psalms 119:1

Psalms 119:2

Psalms 119:9

Psalms 119:11

Psalms 119: 28

Psalms 119:45

Psalms 119:50

Psalms 119:59

Psalms 119:66

Psalms 119:93

Psalms 119:98

Psalms 119:165

Psalms 119:105

1 Comment

Roxanne Harris
Roxanne Harris
Jan 27, 2019

Beautifully written! I will share this.


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